Category: British Schools

English Schools Not Telling Parents If Kids Switch Gender, Require Other Kids to Accept Gender Swaps

English Schools Not Telling Parents If Kids Switch Gender, Require Other Kids to Accept Gender Swaps Research suggests a majority of English schools are not reliably informing parents when children…

School Kids Taught How to Masturbate and Virtues of 'Rough Sex' in Lessons Hidden from Parents

School Kids Taught How to Masturbate and Virtues of 'Rough Sex' in Lessons Hidden from Parents British schoolchildren were taught how to masturbate and the virtues of “rough” sex in…

Afghan Boat Migrants Placed In English School Arrested for Raping Girl

Afghan Boat Migrants Placed In English School Arrested for Raping Girl Four Afghans, supposedly minors, who arrived in Britain by boat have been arrested after a girl was raped at…

Christian Mother Sues Four-Year-Old’s School for ‘Making Him Take Part in LGBT Parade’

Christian Mother Sues Four-Year-Old’s School for ‘Making Him Take Part in LGBT Parade’ A Christian mother is suing her four-year-old’s school in Britain after it allegedly forced her child to…

Actor Simon Pegg Says Sunak's Maths Scheme Is Plan to Create 'Drone Army of Data-Entering Robots'

Actor Simon Pegg Says Sunak's Maths Scheme Is Plan to Create 'Drone Army of Data-Entering Robots' Simon Pegg released a foul-mouthed rant chastising Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s plan to extend…

UK Govt Warns Schools Should Not Teach White Privilege as Fact… Again

UK Govt Warns Schools Should Not Teach White Privilege as Fact... Again Britain’s all talk, no action Conservative Party government is once again warning schools should not teach “white privilege”…

UK: Police Investigating Teacher for Saying 9/11 Terrorists were Muslims

UK: Police Investigating Teacher for Saying 9/11 Terrorists were Muslims A teacher has been referred to the police for referring to the fact that the September 11th terrorists were Muslims.

India’s Tata Steel Ramps up Coal Purchases From Australia, North America

India’s largest steelmaker, Tata Steel, is turning to Australia and North America for its coal supplies after the company decided to stop imports from Russia. This comes in response to…