Category: Intersectionality

Not All Ovarian Cancer Victims Are Women, Says London's Govt-Funded 'Vagina Museum'

Not All Ovarian Cancer Victims Are Women, Says London's Govt-Funded 'Vagina Museum' London’s so-called Vagina Museum has marked Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month by lecturing social media followers that not all…

With 3D Body-Image Avatars And Fake Voices For Trans People, Biden’s NIH Goes To New Extremes

With 3D Body-Image Avatars And Fake Voices For Trans People, Biden’s NIH Goes To New Extremes The project creates video game-like avatars with which people can envision specific body parts…

Biden Admin Pushes Transgender Medical ‘Care’ While Quietly Bankrolling Research Showing Its Risks

Biden Admin Pushes Transgender Medical ‘Care’ While Quietly Bankrolling Research Showing Its Risks NIH is funding many studies premised upon how little research has been conducted on the long-term health…