Category: K-12 schools

Parents Fleeing Public Schools Know There’s No Such Thing As A Values-Neutral Education

Parents Fleeing Public Schools Know There’s No Such Thing As A Values-Neutral Education Recent school choice policy adoptions reflect the apprehension many parents feel about the public school system.

More Money And Gimmicks Won’t Improve Public Schools, But Competition From Charters Will

More Money And Gimmicks Won’t Improve Public Schools, But Competition From Charters Will Simply spending more money on new interventions won’t improve American public education, and it’s wrong to dismiss…

How Public Schools’ ‘Equity’ Policies Make It Impossible For Students To Succeed

How Public Schools’ ‘Equity’ Policies Make It Impossible For Students To Succeed At Equity High School, a composite of leftist policies found across the country, students are not allowed to…

D.C. Public Schools’ New Curriculum Turns Social Studies Into Social Justice, Sexual Perversion

D.C. Public Schools’ New Curriculum Turns Social Studies Into Social Justice, Sexual Perversion Elementary schoolchildren in Washington, D.C., will be taught not tradition but gender identity, systemic racism, and white…

If Your Child’s School Can’t Tell Boys From Girls, How Can You Trust Them On Anything?

If Your Child’s School Can’t Tell Boys From Girls, How Can You Trust Them On Anything? Public schools’ embrace of radical gender ideology provokes the question: If they can’t differentiate…

Why Are Virginia Students Studying Sexuality, Body Size, And Privilege In Spanish Class?

Why Are Virginia Students Studying Sexuality, Body Size, And Privilege In Spanish Class? A recent Spanish lesson at a Virginia school is a reminder that, despite Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s improvements,…

Let’s Celebrate Those Who Fought To Keep Schools Opening During Covid

Let’s Celebrate Those Who Fought To Keep Schools Opening During Covid We must celebrate those who spoke up for kids throughout Covid, especially as it has become increasingly risky to…