Category: Red Guards

Christian Mother Sues Four-Year-Old’s School for ‘Making Him Take Part in LGBT Parade’

Christian Mother Sues Four-Year-Old’s School for ‘Making Him Take Part in LGBT Parade’ A Christian mother is suing her four-year-old’s school in Britain after it allegedly forced her child to…

UK Govt Warns Schools Should Not Teach White Privilege as Fact… Again

UK Govt Warns Schools Should Not Teach White Privilege as Fact... Again Britain’s all talk, no action Conservative Party government is once again warning schools should not teach “white privilege”…

UK Govt Tells Staff 'Protecting Women' Is 'Transphobic Coded Language'

UK Govt Tells Staff 'Protecting Women' Is 'Transphobic Coded Language' Ministry of Justice (MoJ) officials in Britain have been warned that phrases such as “protecting women and girls” are potentially…

Nearly Half of Young People Think Britain was Founded on 'Systemic Racism’

Nearly Half of Young People Think Britain was Founded on 'Systemic Racism’ The idea that the United Kingdom was founded on the back of “systemic racism” is reportedly held by…

How Mao’s Cultural Revolution Made War On The Private Mind

How Mao’s Cultural Revolution Made War On The Private Mind We can reasonably ask if the cancel culture of the early 21st century is much different from Maoist struggle sessions.